Monday, August 24, 2015

5th and 6th: Andy Warhol's Funky Soup Flavors

Yo! I'm glad you're back. During the first week of school all of the elementary classes made "Art Holder Folders" a.k.a. portfolios for the littles.  The 5th and 6th grade classes made these fun little Andy Warhol copycats.  They picked their favorite flavor of all time and made it into soup. Many giggles were had about all of the silly flavors they came up with.

I mean seriously...I did not even tell the kids to put a barcode at the bottom OR a tab on top OR cursive bubble letters. This young man came up with those ideas all by himself. Bravo!

It's just too cute. Look at that little cookie in the middle.
HAHAHA kids are amazing. I am almost positive that this young lady didn't actually know what blue cheese was but she certainly did a good job and made my day a little brighter. 

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