Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Art I: Mandala Color Wheels

My first high school post. FINALLY. Here is one of the first projects Art I has created. Aren't they just gorgeous???

Mandalas are symbols for the universe in Buddhism and Hinduism religions. They demonstrate radial balance, have geometric shapes and repeated patterns. 

We divvied up big ole' circles into 12 pie slices. Each student was to have at least 12 shapes in each slice so that eventually they could have 6 shades and 6 tints for each color on the color wheel. 

More examples:

These make me happy. 

P.S. I got the inspiration for this lesson somewhere in Pinterest-land. I can not find the link to share who the originator of this lesson is but here's your plug anonymous art teacher lady or gentleman. Thank you, human. 

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